Sunday, February 07, 2021

Setup OpenwebRX for Raspberry pi and RTL-SDR


1. Download Raspberry pi Image from

2. Burn image to 16GB SD card

3. Install SD card and RTL-SDR into the RPi3B

4. login to local terminal, user/pass = pi/raspberry

5. run "sudo raspi-config"  for initial setup

6. setup configuration file for OpenwebRX

   cd /etc/openwebrx

   sudo nano

Anaconda, keras install


Go to "Anaconda Prompt"

0. check Conda

conda list              # list library

conda update --all   # Updates all libraries

conda --version

python --version    # --version  shows version of the library

1. Create environment

conda create -n py38  python=3.8

conda activate py38   # activate the environment  

conda deactivate py38   # deactivate 

2. Install keras version

conda install -c anaconda keras-gpu  #GPU 버전

conda install -c anaconda keras   #CPU 버전

3. Install other packages

conda install -c anaconda pandas # pandas  

conda install -c anaconda xlrd

conda install -c anaconda xlwt       # excel 파일을 pandas에서 읽고 쓰기

conda install -c anaconda seaborn # 데이터 시각화

conda install -c anaconda scikit-learn     #   사이킷런

conda install pillow   # 이미지 처리 

4. Check at Python/Spyder

import tensorflow as tf

import keras as k

print("Version of Tensorflow = ", tf.__version__)

print("Version of keras = ", k.__version__)