Ham radio abbreviations
This is a list of ham radio abbreviations. Mostly used in CW.
주로 CW 나 RTTY에서 사용되는 약어이다.
ABT | About |
AGN AMP | Again Amplifier |
ANS | Answer |
ANT | Antenna |
B4 | Before |
BC | Broadcast |
BD | Bad |
BK | Back or break |
BN | Been, being |
BTW | By the way |
BURO | QSL bureau |
C | Correct, yes |
CBA | Callbook address |
CFM | Confirm |
CL | Closing station down |
CLG | Calling |
CLR | Clear |
CONDX | Conditions |
CPI | Copy |
CPY CU CUL | Copy See You See You Later |
CQ | General call for a QSO (contact) |
CW | Continuous waves (morse code) |
DE | From |
DR | Dear |
DWN | Down |
DX | Long distance contact, rare station |
ES EL | And Element |
FB | Fine business, very good |
FER | For |
GA | Good afternoon or go ahead |
GB | Good bye |
GD | Good or Good day |
GE | Good evening |
GM | Good morning |
GN | Good night |
GND | Ground |
GP | Ground-plane antenna |
GUD | Good |
HAM | Amateur radio operator |
HI | Laughter on CW |
HR | Here or ham radio |
HV | Have |
HW? | How do you copy me? What about you? |
K | Please transmit |
KN | Only the station I am working should transmit |
LID | Poor operator |
LP LPDA | Log-periodic antenna or long path Log-periodic dipole array |
LSB | Lower sideband |
LW | Long-wire antenna |
MGR | QSL manager |
MNI | Many |
MSG | Message |
NIL | Nothing heard or no copy |
NR | Near |
NW OB | Now or North-West Old Boy |
OM | Old man (amateur radio operator) |
OP | Operator name |
OPR | Operator, operate |
PSE | Please |
PO | Power output |
PWR | Power |
R | Message received or correct |
RCV | Receive |
RCVD | Received |
RCVR RGR | Receiver Roger |
RIG | Equipment |
RPRT | Report |
RPT | Repeat |
RX | Receiver |
SIG | Signal |
SK | This is my last transmission (stop keying), Silent-key |
SKED | Schedule |
SN | Soon |
SNW | Snow |
SP | Short path |
SRI | Sorry |
STN | Station |
SWL | Short waves listener |
TEMP | Temperature |
TEST | Contest |
TFC | Traffic |
TIL | Until |
TKS | Thanks |
TCVR | Transceiver |
TU | Thank you |
TX | Transmitter |
TNX | Thanks |
U | You |
UFB | Ultra-fine business (excellent) |
UR | Your |
USB | Upper sideband |
VERT VOX | Vertical antenna Voice operated switch, voice activated transmit |
VY | Very |
W WID | Watts With |
WKD | Worked (connected) |
WPM | Words Per Minute |
WRK | Work |
WX | Weather |
XCVR | Transceiver |
XMTR | Transmitter |
XTAL | Crystal |
XYL YB | Wife (Ex-young lady) Young Boy |
YL YR YRS | Young Lady Year Years |
73 | Best regards |
88 | Love and kisses |
Bibliography and further reading
[1] | Nerio Neri I4NE. Radiotecnica per Radioamatori. C&C - Edizioni Radioelettroniche, 1994, Appendice 14. |
[2] | Carlo Amorati I4ALU. Manuale di radiotelegrafia. C&C - Edizioni Radioelettroniche, 1995, Tavola 1, p. 111. |